Today 07-31-2008
We had a deep blue sky in the morning, but it changed a bit by 5:00 in the afternoon because some grey cloud showed up, about 6:00 the clouds turned into orange shades and even reddish-brown (I don't know if some colors I name exist in English). After that, we had rain, it is still raining and I love this sound of rain and thunder. I am writing on the laptop, enjoying a cup of hot cocoa, watching TV and resting confortably in my bed....with a terrible cold and a tissue box . Pathetic isn't it?

19 comentarios:
I enjoyed all those shots! Great series.
Loved the progression of shots! And somehow the sky makes even those power lines look quite beautiful! I have to work around lines in some of my pics too!
Very enjoyable set of clouds here. Thanks! The last two were the best ones for me. I don´t mind the wires at all. Get well soon!
Definitely looks like some stormy weather. Nice that there was a little break of blue for you in there. Hope your cold is better.
Nice series of images. Get well soon.
Great shots for SWF!! Mine's up too hope you can drop by. Happy weekend
Wonderful collection of blues and golds.
A hard days´work! I specially liked the 6th pic with all the variation in it.
The sky photography is done very very well. Even with the lines in them... I overlooked that and still enjoyed the beauty!
I hope you feel better quick. No fun being sick! =)
Mountain Retreat Photos
What a lovely progression of shots!
A superb series of photos. Those clouds are magnificent!
These are gorgeous photos!! I loved them, they were stunning... That's not me in the Amelia Biography that you saw, that is George's grandaughter I believe (if it's the same documentary that I'm thinking of)... Have a great weekend!!
Beautiful pictures!!!! Well Done sweetie!!!hughugs
I especially like the 3rd and 5th... Lovely collection of beautiful skies.
What a nice shots! Mine is up as well. Hope to see you there! Have a great weekend!
Your progressive photographs are a very nice Sky Watch contribution. It's amazing to see how the sky changes in a relatively short time. Lovely!
great pics have nice weekend
Oh I love all the different colors of light! You have some beautiful shots.
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