
Today 01-08-2008

Today 08-01-2008

It is rainy today, with little short periods of sun, which I called "a breake". The "breake" was often interrupte by my mom shouting "come in the house, it is raining and you have the flu" ... Goshhhh >: (

It hurts to take pictures to this plant, ouch my poor b...

7 comentarios:

Raven dijo...

Wow! What a wonderful, dramatic series of skies. Some of those storm clouds look very cranky. The photo with the birds is intense and very striking. Thanks for visiting Raven's Nest.

Jeanne dijo...

What a series of pictures. I love the one with the birds. Looks like the wind is blowing them around. Sorry about your flower. You did a great job. Thanks for stopping by to visit me. I look forward to seeing more of your pictures.

irish daisies dijo...

great grouping of photos!

Tom dijo...

What a great set of pictures this is.. a lot of time and effort as gone intro this post.. thank you.

Forgive this part of my comment as this is done by Copy & Paste.. but with over 300 to visit and check I am sure you will understand...
May I thank you on behalf of the Sky Watch team for your post this week and for helping to make Sky Watch special.
Tom :O)

coolgirlsar dijo...

Brilliant photos. Happy Sky Watch Friday.

Catherine dijo...

Beautiful captures of intense looking skies..and love the light captured in the first shot!
Have a great week!

chrome3d dijo...

You have your own way of showing a rainy day. I enjoyed. Thanks!