I Cannot Believe This.

February 15 referendum day, I went at 5:00 am to vote, I got my Little finger stained with ink (provide by the electoral power in Venezuela), that signals that you already voted and you are not allowed to vote again…but look what happened after I sank my stained finger in a chloride jar… what does it mean? Hummmm it smells like cheese here
I worked (ad honoren) as a witness on the part of the opposition and saw so many irregular things, like identity card printed on a simple paper like the one you print at home, foreign people who did not speak Spanish very well like a Guyanese lady I know (who was almost scared when she saw me there), people who never voted before and did not how to do it, people with more than one identity card (according to the news: more 7000 people found each owning between 5 and 9 identity cards ) and the ink, during the installation of the voting center I argued with a military man because he changed the ink that came with all the electoral material (in a sealed box) then he said he was following orders from the electoral power, the electoral power coordinator said they changed the ink because it was left from a previous process and the electoral power order was to use that ink due to an “economy thing”. But the goverment spent millions on paying some kind of people to go to the meetings.
By the way I could not enter none of my blogs to post yesterday until after the electoral power announced the results…what was that?????
The proof in my own hands, the ink only attached to my nail polish and could be easily removed with nail polish remover like cutex…